Internet shopping will never successfully finish off bricks and mortar retailers…but

 Bricks and mortar retailers will never disappear completely. But those hoping to survive will need to change drastically.

Declaring that bricks and mortar retailers are dead is premature. They live and they will live forever, at least for as long as we have seniors who hold on to a certain attitude about shopping.

Internet shopping appeals
“Cooks, Books..” has written about the attraction of Internet shopping. Its grasp on the majority of consumers is inevitable. Read our stories:  Internet shopping

The Toronto Star writes about the decline of bricks and mortar retailers regularly: Fashion retailers fight headwinds.

Resistance to Internet shopping
There are some consumers who refuse to capitulate to the aura of Internet shopping. Usually, they are among the senior demographic, but the are younger people who belong to the resistors too.

These people enjoy getting out, getting out of the house, dressing up and going out for an excursion. They enjoy the walking around in a mall, the window shopping of all the retail displays, the people watching that such an opportunity presents. For them, the journey trumps the destination and the stalwarts of this group will never succumb to the attraction of E-commerce.

Others who wish to avoid online shopping do so for fear of the risks of the Internet. Internet scams, frauds and hoaxes are reported regularly in the media.

The assault by e-commerce retailers is ceaseless
E-commerce retailers will continually search for ways to draw the resistors into the persuaded online shopping camp. Walmart, Best Buy, Canadian Tire are Canadian examples of bricks and mortar stores trying to bolster and improve their e-commerce numbers. Their commercial onslaughts are relentless.

Reitmans Canada and Le Chateau are two more battle casualties, not yet fully defeated, but mortally wounded. Reitmans has shuttered more than 100 stores in 2016. Le Chateau will be closing over 40 stores over three years starting in 2016, 18 in 2017 alone. The writing is on the wall.

Internet shop with caution
There is no denying that online shopping has some inherent risks. However, by taking proper precautions, online shoppers can shop with relative peace of mind and Internet security. But there is no carte blanche guarantee against all risks. A few precautions which should help those who fear online shopping:

  1. Use computer antivirus software
  2. Use just one credit card for all online purchases
  3. Get a limit set on the spending amount on that credit card
  4. Pay credit cards fully, monthly and monitor them regularly
  5. Examine the authenticity of the shopping site with a very critical eye
  6. Be certain the URL ( site address ) displays the https prefix

Online shopping is not a risky as some people fear. E-commerce and credit card companies want you to buy. Therefore, they are constantly working to safeguard online shoppers.,, and are examples of very reputable and relatively safe online shopping sites.

Safe shopping everyone!


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