POLITICS: Charlie Angus, NDP, gives T**** the FINGER

Charlie Angus, NDP, Timmins – James Bay, calls out T**** but separates the assh*le from his nation. Well done Charlie. Canadians have no axe to grind with Americans. We have been their supporters and strongest allies for decades…but no more.

  1. Listen to Charlie Angus’ FULL speech in the HC -> ANGUS


T**** is an absolute assh*le. There is no more accurate way to describe this being. We have labelled him more completely elsewhere on this site. No point in belabouring it all again.

Listen to Charlie Angus. He says it really well, kind of reminds you of old Gordon Sinclair, past columnist for the Toronto Star. No Canadian politician today seems to have the courage or the cajones like Charlie Angus. He must be retiring or he’s ill with a fatal illness for no other Canadian politician today in our federal parliament would stand up and say what Angus said.

He’s absolutely right. T**** insulted Canada. This is not diplomatic language. Any ambassador speaking the way T**** has about Trudeau and Canada would be expelled from almost any consulate in the world.

T**** is pursuing an agenda: Canada’s water, Canada’s resources, Canada’s territory…something. What an assh*le! It says something about the United States when 49% of the voters elected this assh*le as their leader. Sheeeh !



Charlie Angus should change parties
Too bad he wasn’t a conservative
Last thing we need is these dumb ass NDP’s
_____________ Steve Satz

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