Tag: computers
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NOTEZILLA: powerful electronic notemaking
NOTEZILLA: digital sticky notes…work better, easier and smarter. A “must have” app if you work with computers. Amazing power at a small price easy to use available in two flavours: – FREE version: a free 30-day trial available for desktops, … Continue reading
WRITING BATTLE: pen, paper OR laptop, tablet
The pen has proven to be mightier than the sword. It may also do in technology.
RANSOMWARE may lock your computer
Think before you click… or your computer could lock you out…
PRODUCTIVITY: PASSWORD remembering at its easiest
Never forget another password. Get LastPass
5 reasons your next cell phone better be SMART
SMARTPHONES LET YOU DO MORE! Picking a cell phone can be challenging but a smartphone has an amazing array of capability. Pickin isn’t easy and it seems like Canadians have picked their side: 67% of Canadian households have a smartphone, … Continue reading
CHECKER Plus a must have
Checker Plus is an Gmail extension which acts like a shortcut to one’s gmail accounts, a notifier telling notifying of arrival of emails with a number badge. Created by Jason Savard, an American software developer who produces very well polished … Continue reading
The Ad Block Plus extension “de-commercializes” web sites, removing ads, commercial promos and the like from web displays. In place of ads or promos, often a simple gray square will appear as a placeholder. Ultimately, the web browsing experience becomes … Continue reading